Friday, January 31, 2020

Admissions Essay Essay Example for Free

Admissions Essay Essay There have been several people with prominent impacts on my life, but why focus only on the people who have influenced me? Let us broaden the scope to include all worldly matter. Then I make no hesitation in stating that my canine companion, Toby, has been my greatest influence. Toby, a vivacious miniature schnauzer, is at a well-ripened age of eleven. He is not the same dog he was when he was younger. He sleeps about 18 hours a day and it is impractical to take a nap on the couch with him, because his snoring is loud enough to be fooled with the reverberation of my dad after a long day of golf. However, just before 5 o’clock in the afternoon, only the gray hairs scattering Toby’s black coat give away his old age. It is around this time every day that Toby begins his racket of letting you know that it is getting â€Å"close† to his dinnertime of 6 o’clock. Toby’s daily reminders guide me to take a stand against the common adolescent breakfast fast. They are also a source of accountability in my quest to keep a positive outlook on all things that I encounter in my life. See more: Satirical essay about drugs While Toby may be an ordinary dog, he and I share something that I have never had with another human. Toby and I communicate better than any two humans do. To a third party, it seems as though I am carrying on a conversation with a non-responsive dog therefore essentially speaking back and forth to myself. However, I assure you that Toby responds back in his own way. What makes our communication so superior is Toby’s masterful ability to express himself non-verbally. This allows me to open up to him and not have to worry about him responding with insensitive or uninsightful utterances. I have learned through Toby that when a person goes to another human to talk they would rather that the person speak less and listen more. I have also found my canine companion to be dependable. He is at my feet when I need him on a cold night to do the job my comforter is supposed to do. After having one of â€Å"those† days I can count on him to be there when I walk through the door and not running to the corner. I use this example of dependability and apply it to my daily life by being there for others as  Toby has been there for me. It may, to some, be a bit silly to consider a dog influential, but these people must not have had the privilege of owning one of man’s very own best friends. I like to think that if our world had more children with dogs like my Toby, it would also have more children learning the core values that aid in responsibility and kindness.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Antony and Octavio :: Antony Octavio Essays

Chronological analysis of the strengthening of Octavius compared with the errors made by Antony. DATE (BC) Factors affecting Antony Factors affecting Octavius 42BC Battle of Philippi. With Lepidus, Antony led an armed force into Macedonia to face the conspirators who killed Caesar. The "Republican" conspirators had 19 legions at their command (about 120000 men), against the triumvir's 28 legions (about 170000). The triumvirs won resoundingly, and the leaders (Brutus and Cassius) committed suicide. Triumvirs firmly in control of Roman Government. Lepidus, the weaker triumvir, was clearly friendly towards Antony. This is exemplified by his full support against the conspirators despite Octavius' absence, and his previous support for Antony during civil war against Octavius. Battle of Philippi. Octavius was sick during the campaign, and did not play a significant role in its events. However, through his triumviral allies he had avenged the death of his uncle. 42/1BC Division of the Empire. Antony received most of Gaul, but Cisalpine Gaul was redefined as part of Italia. Influence over government in Rome, possibly reduced, as Antony was absent in the provinces to collect taxes and appease veteran soldiers. Lepidus (Antony's ally) was allocated Africa to put him at a distance from Antony and Octavius who divided the European empire between them. Division of the Empire. Octavius received the two Spanish provinces, and Sicily and Sardinia. He settled many of his veterans in Italy, giving him significant influence over the government in the capital. He was also responsible for defeating Sextius Pompey who was causing havoc in Sicily, and a major threat to Rome. 40 Triumvirate strengthened. Antony marries Octavia, sister of the similarly named triumvir. Antony moves East. Power transferred so that he controlled all provinces east of Macedonia (inclusive). Further decrease of influence in Rome as Octavius controls the west, despite the premise of "sharing Italy". Lepidus further marginalised in triumvirate. Triumvirate strengthened. Genuine(?) move by Octavius to maintain alliance through marriage. Octavius takes all of the west. All provinces west of Illyricium were taken over by Octavius' legions. 39 Sextius Pompey appeased by being given Sardinia and Sicily. Sextius Pompey appeased by being given Sardinia and Sicily. 38 Antony discouraged by expansion of Octavius. (read the right column first). Possibly disgruntled by Octavius' acquisition of more territory than was agreed, Antony attacks Octavius' breaking of the 39BC treaty. However, he still sends help to crush Pompey. Makes his capital in Athens. Decline of influence in Rome. (No evidence to suggest he had visited Rome since 41?

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Relationship between Private and Public Police Essay

In the beginning before private security it was the responsibility of the public police to protected the society and property within their jurisdiction that public law enforcement served. In today’s society public police work hand and hand with private security on a regular basis, either in public or in private functions. Also in today’s society you see off duty cops working as a part-time security officer at a local retailer or safeguarding assets for a company. Certain cities have giving Security officers within certain jurisdiction, such as Boston the power to make arrest do to the lack of public officers availability. The major thing that has changed over time for both public and private security and public servants is the training they must go through before entering the streets or the property they are protecting. The training and education and public officer must get is very hard and they must pass the training and schooling to be hired within the department, it is more in depth compared to what a normal security officer must go through. Security officer now half to go through a lot more training then they use to they must be able to handle people and deal with people on a daily basis. The training for a security officer has really change over the years it’s not only getting a drug test and background check some security companies not do extensive training because of the public views the security. Companies have chosen to educate the security officer because of liability problems that have occurred and exist in the workplace as a result companies have trained professional individuals to work within private security. Large security companies have realized how important security officers are for the public and how important it is to have trained security officer and increasing level of professionalism within the security officer force to establish better contracts to compete with public law enforcement officers. Normally public officers receive there pay from tax payers and are part of unions that back officers up. With that said most officer are not held accountable for their actions compared to an individual private security  officer. On the other hand private security officer can also avoid more serious liability issues, such as law suit due to someone constitutional rights, and injuries that they may have cause by passing them off to the company they work for due to the companies policy. Over the recent years there has been major increases within the hiring of private security officer compared to using local public law officer. It is becoming a huge trend to hire local private security to protect CEOs, political figures, and celebrity figures. They are now using private security companies to be personal protection which are subcontracted out to these individual in need of security. They important people have hired these personal security guards to protected them and also there assets. The small business have also started hiring private security officers to protected them and their assets You use to see Local law enforcement patrolling private property or parking lots but now you have private security taking over those roles. You also have private security such as shopping malls, casinos, and even airports have hired private security officers to protected the business assets. This is not just happening with security guards you also have private investigators who have started taken over the local law enforcement role in investigating murders, rapes, and abductions. Due to not enough funding for public law enforcement, companies like Target have open up their own investigation center that investigate crimes with in there company without having local law enforcement do it for them. Private security companies can now investigate crimes side by side with the police department and also work longer on the case compared to the police department because of funding. Private investigators have been known to build cases against criminals that will support the laws case or it can work the other way and the defendant can hire a private investigator to support their case to prove there innocent. The relationship between the public police and the private security are becoming more positive in a really good way. People are noticing that there is not enough public police officer to protected all of the community so to  let private security take over some of the roles it helps public police do jobs they may actual need to do. Companies have noticed that it is better to have extra eyes watching over there companies. Criminals will also noticed that private security officer and police officer are now working together and are not conflicting with each other and will it will prevent criminals from doing criminal behavior. The only down side for police is the concern that private security officer will take over for local law enforcement and they will be pushed out which puts a negative impact on private security officer to a point where local police officers are upset because they have dedicated their lives to their training and sole propose of becoming a police officer. There is a conflict between public and private space, which in fact can influence the relationship between private security and public police. Police at any time can detain someone that is a threat to someone or can even question them after being apprehend. Private security on the other hand cannot employ any police powers and may only detain and arrest as a citizen. Also Public police must have probably cause to search someone, while private security is exempt from violation an individual 5th amendment rights. Reference Li, G. (2008). Private security and Public policing. Retrieved May 10, 2009, from

Monday, January 6, 2020

Privacy, Freedom, And Freedom Of Freedom - 1303 Words

According to The Framers Constitution (Stone, 2011) â€Å"The Framers understood that they were entrusting to future generations the responsibility to draw upon their intelligence, judgment, and experience to give concrete meaning to these broad principles over time.† I believe while a right to privacy may not be in writing in the Constitution itself, that it is indeed directly implied that we the people of the United States of America do have a right to privacy. Individual liberty is after all, what the Framers fought so hard to achieve. Also, the Bill Of Rights was created to protect the people from the government, not the other way around. Without directly stating in The Bill of Rights that we have a right to privacy, I believe we can†¦show more content†¦This very amendment is about citizens’ rights, our right to privacy, and it is my deepest belief that without privacy there truly is no freedom. I believe the understanding of the right to privacy has changed over time due to the perilous times that we are all living in. Before the twin towers fell in 2001, I believe that Americans privacy was not something that anyone even thought about. Because of what happened on that fateful day, I believe we are now living in a post-constitutional America. Our fourth amendment was pretty much thrown out the window with the revelations brought about by Edward Snowden. The shock of all Americans that our very own government was spying on us, without any due cause, just because they thought they had a right to. We felt that our privacy had been invaded, and that it was not right, or constitutional. We felt stripped of our rights, and because of this it has led to a decrease trust in our own government, at a time when it was already low. The understanding of the right to privacy has changed over time because we have gone from a non-digital age, to an age ofShow MoreRelatedFreedom And P rivacy : Privacy, Individualism, And Freedom Of Speech2789 Words   |  12 PagesGabriela Villarreal Ms. Woods AP English IV, Period 6/7 16 February 2015 Freedom and Privacy in 1984 Privacy, individualism, and freedom of speech and expression have always been important rights people have fought for throughout history. Freedom of expression and the freedom to acquire any kind of knowledge are almost taken for granted (Shorer 264). 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